Business Concierge Consulting.
Are you the owner of a professional services business? (If you are just starting your business, click here for our advisement services)
Do you LOVE being an orthodontist, dentist, lawyer or surgeon but HATE the HR headaches?
Would you like to spend more of your time providing your professional service and less of your time managing your business?
Then we are the solution for YOU!
Do you LOVE being an orthodontist, dentist, lawyer or surgeon but HATE the HR headaches?
Would you like to spend more of your time providing your professional service and less of your time managing your business?
Then we are the solution for YOU!
How We Help:
The first step of our concierge service is to conduct a needs assessment with you and your staff. We don't use a cookie-cutter approach to problem-solving. We focus on the unique needs of each and every client.
Then we tailor our offerings to meet your specific needs. Some of our offerings include:
- LeadWell (Leadership and Wellness) program
- Communication Skills Training
- Self-Awareness Assessments
- Team Dynamics Exercises
- Staffing Services (If you are an individual looking for placement help, please click here.)
- Policy & Procedure Writing
- Local Off-Sites
- All-Inclusive Retreats
You get the perks of having a full time HR professional on staff without the expense of being on your weekly payroll.
Then we tailor our offerings to meet your specific needs. Some of our offerings include:
- LeadWell (Leadership and Wellness) program
- Communication Skills Training
- Self-Awareness Assessments
- Team Dynamics Exercises
- Staffing Services (If you are an individual looking for placement help, please click here.)
- Policy & Procedure Writing
- Local Off-Sites
- All-Inclusive Retreats
You get the perks of having a full time HR professional on staff without the expense of being on your weekly payroll.
What Would It Feel Like Without the Headaches?
Let me guess...RELIEF!